6  Statement on using tools - Git and GitHub

Using R (or Python) is just the first step towards data science with the use of Git being item two on the “baseline fundamentals” level of Reproducible Analytical Pipelines (RAP). Without the use of Git it is not possible to move to Silver or Gold and with good reason because it is integral to being able to produce analysis and code that is:

Much more is written about Git in the NHS RAP Community of Practice and so this chapter serves to add only a few things to that work.

6.1 GitHub repositories

These examples of organisations that are using GitHub serve as a reference to the increasing public sector and Government organisations and teams that publish code:

6.2 NHS

6.3 Office for National Statistics

6.4 UK Government Departments

6.5 Scotland

Scotland Government Analysis list

Thanks to the Scotland Government Analysis who have also published a comprehensive list of organisational GitHubs.

6.5.1 Local authorities

6.6 Wales

6.7 England

6.7.1 Local Government

6.7.2 Charity

6.8 Other

This is not a complete list and links may change name so this is a great opportunity to also contribute to this book. Details on how to do that can be found in the chapter Contributing guidelines and etiquette.